As October brings cooler weather, the at-home crafts become much more essential to the weekends in our household! Before throwing away your child's jack-o-laterns at the end of Halloween, consider this fun experiment where the pumpkin becomes a vessel of a volcano explosion!

You will need:
- A small pumpkin
- Baking soda
- White vinegar
- Food colouring (optional)
- Liquid dish soap

- Remove the top of the pumpkin and hollow it out by removing all of the seeds and loose pulp. Carve a face or other design if you like.
- Place the pumpkin on a tray or protected surface because this is going to get messy!
- Pour about ½ cup of baking soda inside the pumpkin.
- Squirt some dish soap over the baking soda.
- Add a few drops of food colouring to a cup of vinegar.
- When you are ready, pour the coloured vinegar into the pumpkin and enjoy the show!
You can repeat the volcano eruption as many time as you'd like!
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