How to Plan an EPIC Superhero Themed Birthday Party

How to Plan an EPIC Superhero Themed Birthday Party

Calling all super-parents! Our team at Great Pretenders wants to help you plan the most EPIC superhero birthday party for your little one. We know that organizing a kids birthday party can be stressful. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered this year!
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How to plan an EPIC Superhero themed birthday party

Calling all super-parents! Our team at Great Pretenders wants to help you plan the most EPIC superhero birthday party for your little one. We know that organizing a kids birthday party can be stressful. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered this year!

So here’s the plan. Each child at the birthday party is going to become their own superhero. We are going to take them through the ultimate superhero training academy to make them the strongest superhero they are destined to be! At the end of the party, you can present them with an official Certification of Superhero Academy and a Superhero ID card. You can find these printable materials included below. 

There’s one catch… you need a secret villain! Have another adult at the party be the villain while you organize the games. At the end of the party, our new superheroes will have to defeat the villain with their new super powers! (or Spider web, AKA silly string.)

Superhero Birthday Party


Superhero Training Academy checklist

Present each child with this checklist at the beginning of the party. Explain to them at the end of this party they will become the ULTIMATE superhero! Allow me to explain our checklist.

Superhero Checklist

  • Find your superhero name: Click here to download a free downloadable ‘what’s your superhero name’ print out. Have the kids use their first and last name to find their new superhero name.
  • Create your superhero look: Every superhero needs a cape and a mask!! Click here for a mask tutorial (Youtube Video of live with Mastermind Toys). Click here for free downloadable mask templates.
  • Complete the laser beam crawl: Time to be creative mom! Create an ultimate laser beam crawl using crepe paper (also known as streamers) and tape. Tape the crepe paper to the wall in a hallway and have the little ones crawl under and over it one at a time.
  • Pin the emblem on the superhero: This game is just like pin the tail on the donkey, but try using a bullseye and having the kids pin a star in the center to complete Captain America’s emblem.
  • Crack the code: Write a secret code for the kids to crack to find where to rescue a civilian, or spill the beans that dad is the secret villain! We will leave this one up to you.
  • And of course, every superhero needs a superpower! Let each child choose their own.

Superhero love

Other games to play:

Find the Villain: Print out famous superheroes and their respective villains. Next, tape the villain somewhere in your yard, park or around the house.  Have the kids choose a superhero at random. They must find the enemies of that superhero. You can provide names and pictures of the villains they are looking for to make it easier.

Thor’s hammer throw:  Create Thor’s hammer with a sponge and cardboard. Stack paper cups into a triangle. Have the kids stand a distance and try knock down the cups with Thor’s hammer.

Catch the villain tag:  Once the kids discover that dad is the villain, let them play tag using silly string as their spider web.


Make your own paper plate masks:  Click here for a DIY paper plate mask we love! 

We know your little one will think you are SUPER awesome after throwing a birthday party like this!! If you choose to throw this EPIC Superhero party, please tag us in your photos on Instagram @grtpretenders. We LOVE to see the magic kids can have with pretend play.



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